Meet the artist !

Meet the artist !

A lot of you don’t know that I’ve just finished Deutch Kurs. I’m now official B1.1!!!

Hell to the yeah no!

It was around my very first exhibition and my sehr sympatische Lehrerin teased me when would be the “meet the artist” day. Liebe Seri, auf Deutch noch nicht, but here’s an English version, so that you can understand it any time of day or night. 😀

As I have finished with my German classes, I’ve also finished with my other classes I’ve taken partly simultaneous. Illuminate classes. And while my German is stored somewhere in my subconscious, Illuminate classes are helping me to sharpen the focus of my work, of my possibilities, and the most important – of my goals. The classes were intensive and I missed my writing. So that guy from the Elizabeth Gilbert’s story came to visit me (

For now I haven’t written blogs in English nor have I written any photography themed blogs, so if this was something that is to be changed, I would like to start with the meet the artist through the artists story.

It’s about the artists that somehow affect me or to say – about the artists that give me butterflies.

Please, do not miss the galleries! It’ll be good spent time!

Marko Marinković

I can say for sure that all started with him. I had the “luck” to be in the same classes with him, back in 2009. He was already then on solid grounds and since then he has lifted way, way up. He’s young Croatian, living his dream, doing what he loves and doing it ever better and better. Incredibly creative and imaginative, his images are moderate and yet intense. He’s funny and positive guy. Nowadays he’s mastered wedding photography. He’s also done some fantastic travel stories and his latest step was becoming Nikon ambassador. What to say? Nice done, bro!

Summer Murdock

The woman whose classes I’ve recently completed. Completed meaning the lessons have finished and hard study is ahead of me. How would that be that someone called Summer was not all about the sun!? She caught my eye with her adventurous and full of life images, simple in editing and magical in creation. Now, after classes, I know she’s a person wanting ever more, a perfectionist and incredible, down-to-earth hard worker. Besides her sophisticated artistic sense, all of the mentioned is the reason why something like that comes out of her camera. What I admire the most are her technical skills resulting in “simple” images, filled with magic of light. Love love love.

Jennifer Tonetti Spellman

Two Ns, two Ts and two Ls. She’s somehow my duplicate. The other day i’ve watched her live Q&A on FB page and got the deeper picture. This woman is a native New Yorker. The one you see in movies. She rocks in-home sessions. She’s in this story because all that she is doing is all I’ve wanted to do at the beginning of  MaMagare KidzPhoto. Since then, my perspectives have widen a bit, but still, documenting your life, your true life, as it is, imperfect and chaotic, is some of the most important memories in your life and that is something that inspires me the most. Not fancy stuff, just living as it is. Jennifer does it really authentic. She’s also lover of street photography, like me. She admires some artists which I admire too. You see? Two similar minds on different parts of the world.

Katy Tuttle

Self-thought, natural light photographer from Seattle, Katy is another WOW. Her technique I haven’t figured it out yet completely. Sometimes, it’s that intentional camera movement sometimes is multiple exposures, sometimes are both. But every time Katy is so unique and native. Her images are true paintings, slightly on the dark side, deep and mystical. Surreal!

Eric Kim

Eric Kim is street photographer and a blogger. He’s creating street photography off the cuff, spontaneous, hilarious, weird, awkward, strong, lots of contrast… His state of mind and already so much behind him is incredible – I’ve read that he’s just 28! He’s blogging a lot, giving his readers enormous amount of all kind of photography tips in forms of articles and booklets. On a “regularly” basis he’s also writing humble, inspiring and encouraging blog posts, from how to be happier in life to overcoming our fears, exploring potential, not giving up etc. The most interesting thing I find in his writing is his series of lessons thus interpretations what we can learn from various individuals (Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Helmut Newton, Jiro Ono, Pablo Picasso….). What I admire the most in his writing is his mission to help, encourage and share knowledge.  His posts are really leading me in a positive direction.

Fer Juaristi

Fer is just some good looking guy from Mexico which I’ve found on Instagram. Thank goodness on that!!! The thing about Fer is his sensibility and his brilliant sense of humor bursting out of his images. The colors, the scenes and his crazy cool clients all of a sudden become movie characters in some wacky Spanish movie, all documented and directed by a genius.  Photography, like many other things in life, is a matter of taste and what I’m really trying to say here –  when I grow up, I wanna be like Fer. Amen.

So, I see now that I’ve presented myself through 6 artist and 6 is my number! 😀

But what about me? Short chronicles – I’m child and family photographer, my own family storyteller, lover of street photography, occasional blogger, at the very beginnings of my trip. (Free) time is not on my side so the path is slow. I can say that for now I’ve mastered “a bit” of theoretical stuff and I’m ready to start making my own signature visible. Learning, growing and enjoying.


On our German classes we’ve discussed about the saying that with each new learned language one acquires new soul (Mit jeder neu gelernten Sprache, erwirbt man eine neue Seele), meaning that a person is always somehow different speaking different languages. I’m certainly affirmative on that and wondering what kind of German-speaking-person I would be!?

Liebe Deutch, das ist vielleicht unsere Zukunft… Es hätte besser sein können, aber gerade war nicht der richtige Moment für die beiden von uns. Wie gewöhnlich. (gugl translejt!)

But since I really really hate you, all of this was a giant step and hope (I’m sure) we will meet again and finally get to know each other, appropriately.

Vielen Dank für alle zuvor.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
