Holy family

Holy family

My husband carried Pavle to take a shower with him. Because of the water, steam and the reflection I knew it would be interesting scene so the only logical thing I could do was to grab my camera.

After they would be over, I was supposed to take Pavle so I took his towel straight away. I could have hung it on a hanger but, don’t know why, I just put it on my head.

And then it opened to me, the three of us.

As I’ve assumed, the water and the steam did make unusual, dreamy and a bit spooky mood of all the pictures made. I love the feel of sacral recreation. To add to the story, this little baby was born on the feast of the Holy family.

This blog is part of the 30 Minutes in the Life project, aiming to feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends and photographers.  This is a blog circle so please be sure to check next photographer – Ashley Soeder!

And make sure to check out my other blogs: https://ma-magare.com/life-is-like-a-box-of-chocolates-how-i-won-a-dfa-award/


  1. Pingback: 30 Minutes in the Life: May 2020

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