Welcome my little strudel

Welcome my little strudel

We thought you will be a girl yet you decided to be a boy.

We were expecting you in 2020 but you decided to come a bit earlier.

Nevertheless, I’m not doubting your choices because life brings us exactly what we need.

Like with your both of your brothers, recalling our first days together in the hospital always fills me with deep serenity, calmness and special kind of intimacy.

As life is rushing, this is my way of stopping it. At least just a bit.

Welcome my little strudel, abundance of life is waiting for you.

Stay safe. All is well. ❤️

This blog is part of the 30 Minutes in the Life project, aiming to feature ladies from around the world as we capture 30 minutes in our lives as mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends and photographers.  This is a blog circle so please be sure to visit the next photographer in the circle Jennifer Blake – Blueberry Hill Images!

Make sure to check out my last 30 minutes blog: https://ma-magare.com/30-minutes-in-life-big-day-for-this-little-family/


  1. Pingback: 30 Minutes in the Life: April 2020

  2. Sharleen

    Congratulations again on the birth of your son. I love his name. You captured his first moment so beautiful and I love the grain in these images. I love his little hands. New babies are so beautiful

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