On March 11th I went with my 2 and a half months old baby Pavle to the doctor’s to do the usual hip exam. If you would ask me what is he like as a baby, I would politely say he has certain issues. With… well a lot of stuff, like driving in the car,…
Continue ReadingZadaćnica o domovini
#boymomdiarrhy: Mamino zanimanje
Bio je neki dan u travnju. Učiteljica Sanjuška je komunicirala s djecom o zanimanjima roditelja. Djeco, što su vaši roditelji po zanimanju? Što je vaš tata po zanimanju? Moj tata je rudar, ko iz topa, cvrkutav odgovor. Što je vaša mama po zanimanju? Mama je… (stanka)… ništa. Kaže moj 8godišnji prvorođenac, moj ponos. Uputim preneraženo…
Continue Reading#boymomdiarrhy: Mother’s day
Zagreb, 10.5.2020. How many times I wanted to runaway, That many times, and one more, You pulled me back. How many times I wanted to scream, That many times, and one more, You made me calm. How many times I have torn myself in guilt, That many times, and one more, You responded with love. …
Continue Reading#boymomdiarrhy: Kako sam varala na Tvrtkovom ispitu
Zagreb, 7.5.2020., četvrtak Tjedan prije druge nedjelje u svibnju iliti Majčinog dana, u virtualnoj školi je na redu bila lekcija za OCJENU – opis lika, prema definiranom planu opisa vanjskog izgleda, kose, očiju, obraza, nosa i odjeće te osobina. I eto tako, kaže učiteljica, opišite, a koga drugoga nego vašu dragu majčicu. Ne poštujući preporučeno…
Continue Reading#boymomdiarrhy: Earthquake in the middle of pandemic
This was our first sleepover in new house. Schools were already closed due to COVID19. Tvrtko is watching online class, Pavle is sleeping and Vili is floating somewhere. The house was far from fully equipped but still it was able to host us for, as we thought back then, a test sleepover. Just to feel…
Continue ReadingWelcome my little strudel
We thought you will be a girl yet you decided to be a boy. We were expecting you in 2020 but you decided to come a bit earlier. Nevertheless, I’m not doubting your choices because life brings us exactly what we need. Like with your both of your brothers, recalling our first days together in…
Continue ReadingBig day for this little family
It was last Saturday of September. The works have begun. We wanted to be there, to be present part of it, to create family heritage. First shovel for our dream house to be. We were on holidays when we saw this land is on sale. We bought it around a year ago, without going there…
Continue ReadingSummer on a paddle boat
These past three months of blogging have been all about the S – sun, summer, sea, sunsets… On the last day of our longest vacation ever, we have rented a paddle boat and got very surprised of how fun it was! Of course, it was again a great opportunity for me to bring my little…
Continue ReadingOčekuj neočekivano
Iako sam davno napisala jedan komičan blog baš ovakvoga naslova, život mi je u međuvremenu ponudio još niz ovakvih situacija, a ja se divim samoj sebi kako sam i dalje tako loš učenik!? Očekuj neočekivano, ispisano drugi put. U nama je uvijek čučala ideja o troje djece, premda je nakon Vilija ta ideja naglo izblijedjela….
Continue ReadingSunset surfing
Summer is my favorite part of year… Releasing my body from the weight of layers of clothes and my mind from misgiving feeling of cold it represents true sense of freedom. Wearing couple of pieces od clothes, enjoying light breeze, you can wander wherever you want for as long as you want… I love it’s…
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